Memorify 🦾

Personal Work
Memorify explores the intersection of human and artificial intelligence, using AI-generated imagery to reconstruct fragmented, subjective human memories. The exhibit juxtaposes vibrant, distorted AI visuals with human-captured black-and-white photos.

Motion | Branding | Art Direction

LethalCure Alcohol 🐍

Personal Work
"LethalCure" sells a medicinal liqueur that is "poisonous" but promotes health, inspired by the process of sealing toxic ingredients when making wine in containers.

3D | Packaging | Branding


The 2024 Museum of Chinese in America Legacy Awards Gala will welcome more than 500 guests on Thursday, November 7th, in New York City.
Event Collateral | Editorial | Art Direction

Paradigm Health 💉

Explore the landing page here

Motion | Icongraphy | Art Direction

Le Tomatina 🍅

Personal Work

La Tomatina is a festival in Spain renowned for its tradition of throwing tomatoes at each other. This branding emphasizes overripe tomatoes and features a mascot for the festival, aiming to evoke a sense of humor and joy in participants. 

Motion | Character Design | Branding

Museum of Moving Image 🎞️

Personal Work

From the Phenakistoscope to digital television, M.O.M.I. illustrates the historical richness of Moving Images. This rebranding encapsulate the patterns of the entire history, interpreting the relationship between frames and time.

Motion | Branding

©Xiaokang Li